Mom Life

She’s off…

She’s off…

Well…it finally happened.  There was the knock at the door.  On the other side of the door were 2 dirty,  sweaty, happy faces asking if Little Girl could come and play.   One was Little Girl’s cousin who moved into our old house and our old neighbor who lives next to the cousin.  They rode their bikes around the block to come and see if Little Girl could play.

I wanted so much to slam the door and lock it tight.  I wanted so much to pretend my Little Girl was not entering 4th grade.  I wanted to keep her in her room so she will always be safe.  But I can’t…and I won’t.  As much as I want to keep her little she needs chances to grow.  She needs chances to ride her bike carefree around the block without her mom’s eyes constantly on her.   She needs a chance to figure out who she is in this world and where she fits in.

So I sent her off on her bike armed with her helmet (even th0ught the other 2 did not have theirs on) and her gizmo watch.   I gave them all the boundaries as to where she could go.  I know….such a total downer but they took it well!  I also told them to come back later as I have ice pops for them!

Is this really happening?  Little Girl is growing.  I have images of her heading off to college…picking out her wedding dress…my husband walking her down the aisle.  Ahhhhhh!  Ok, relax mom!  She is only riding her bike around the block!  Let’s take this one day at a time!

Enjoy every moment before you know it you are sending them off on a bike to face the world!

How do other moms handle this?


  1. Melissa Smith

    It definitely is so bittersweet when they grow up & gain a little bit of independence. Hang in there mama & try not to think too far ahead.

  2. A bittersweet moment for sure. I’m willing to bet, they will grow up to be the best of friends, though. I know my best friend of 32 years was my next door neightbor growing up. I hope these girls are the same way for your daughter!

  3. Patricia Wheeler

    We always hear the saying “they grow up too fast” but you never truly understand it until you have your own children. It is oh so true! My three little ones seem to grow faster than I can blink. I always try to remind myself to enjoy the moments, even the ones I can’t stand, because one day I will miss them. Thanks for sharing!

  4. megan allen

    Awww!! I have 4 is 9 months old! I feel like he was just born and now he is crawling around. Children are so precious!

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