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The bloggers bringing this fabulous party to you:
Kimberly: Being A Wordsmith | Facebook | Twitter | Pinterest | Instagram
Evelyn: Eclectic Evelyn | Facebook | Twitter | Pinterest | Instagram | YouTube | Tumblr
Tracy: View From The Beach Chair | Twitter | Facebook | Pinterest
Laurie: Seeking Serenity & Harmony | Pinterest | Instagram | Twitter | Facebook | Fb (Homestead) | YouTube
Michelle: My Bijou Life | Instagram | Pinterest
Lisa: Lisa’s Everyday Life | Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Pinterest
Deja: Breakroom Buddha | Instagram | Pinterest | Facebook | LinkedIn | Twitter
Hazlo: ThExtraOrdinarionly | Tumblr | Twitter | Instagram | Flipboard | Facebook | Pinterest | Keen | Mix | YouTube
Our guest co-host:
Sonni at ReaderopolisFollow Readeropolis:
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If you would like to become a weekly co-host, complete this quick form.
These are the featured posts from Traffic Jam Weekend #249…
Lisa chose TWO APPLE COBBLER DUMP CAKE from Curly Crafty Mom. “I love dump cakes and this one has the added twist of a marshmallow topping.”
Kimberly chose Constitution Unit Study from Jennifer A. Lambert. “This post stood out to me because Hubby and I had a conversation recently about the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. We had to Google it to confirm our accuracy. And now, Teen Deuce is studying both in his Social Studies class. Jennifer provides some great resources that the whole family can benefit from.”
Tracy chose 7 resources for responsible sharing on social media from Watercress Words. “In today’s time, fake news runs rapidly. Use these strategies before hitting share!”
Laurie chose We have forgotten from our very own View From the Beach Chair. “This post sums up how I felt when Sept 11 neared. The animosity and division in our country right now shows that we have forgotten how we all came together on Sept 11th and stood united.”
Michelle chose Murals on Market from Adventures in Weseland. “I’m a big fan of murals, and these are interesting and lovely!”
The post with the most views was Surviving Wild Fire Season 2020 from The Hungry Mountaineer.
Thank you featured bloggers for sharing! Your posts will be pinned (slowly but surely) to the Traffic Jam Weekend Linky Party Pinterest board. Please grab a special Traffic Jam Weekend featured button below to display on your blog.

Just a few rules for the party…
- Grab a Traffic Jam Weekend button below for your site
- Link up as many of your old posts as you like below
- Take some time and visit the other posts
- Create some traffic jam for the hosts of this party
- Share this party on social media with the hashtag #trafficjamweekend