Show us your old posts and more on Traffic Jam Weekend!
Come on in to link up, share, and learn something with us.
The bloggers bringing this fabulous party to you:
Kimberly: Being A Wordsmith | Facebook | Twitter | Pinterest | Instagram
Tracy: View From The Beach Chair | Twitter | Facebook | Pinterest I Instagram
Michelle: My Bijou Life | Instagram | Pinterest
Hazlo: ThExtraOrdinarionly | Tumblr | Twitter | Instagram | Flipboard | Facebook | Pinterest | Keen | Mix | YouTube
Niki: Life as a LEO Wife | Pinterest | Facebook | Twitter
Our guest co-host:
Sonni at ReaderopolisFollow Readeropolis: Twitter | Facebook | Instagram | Pinterest | Tumblr | YouTube
If you would like to become a weekly co-host, complete this quick form.
Michelle chose Sustainable Heel and Sandal Brands from Curated by Jennifer. “Sustainability is an important topic giving our looming climate crisis.”
Niki chose Press the Truth Down Deep into Your Heart Today from Living Our Days.
Kimberly chose 15 Simple Steps to Build Feasible Instagram Engagement from Business and Life Tips. “I have been using IG a lot more these days. Tips in this post are very helpful.”
Sonni chose Mini Pinatas from SimpleJoys. “How cute! I am gonna make some for Cinco de Mayo.”
The post with the most views was Old Fashioned Chocolate Buttermilk Cake from Ever Ready.
Thank you featured bloggers for sharing! Your posts will be pinned (slowly but surely) to the Traffic Jam Weekend Linky Party Pinterest board. Please grab the HTML code for a special Traffic Jam Weekend featured button below to display on your blog.

Just a few rules for the party…
- Grab the HTML code for a Traffic Jam Weekend button below for your site
- Link up as many of your old posts as you like below
- Take some time and visit the other posts
- Create some traffic jam for the hosts of this party
- Share this party on social media with the hashtag #trafficjamweekend
Instructions: Select all code above in box, copy it, and paste it to your site as HTML