Where were you?
I was student teaching in 3rd grade. Where were you when the first plane hit? The second? The world does move on and we become stronger. However, if we don’t remember the past we will repeat it.
I was student teaching in 3rd grade. Where were you when the first plane hit? The second? The world does move on and we become stronger. However, if we don’t remember the past we will repeat it.
I was driving to work when I heard, but the real question is where were you when you learned that it was an inside job.
I will definitely never forget this day. I was in English class at school, I was young so it was both confusing and extremely sad.
I was getting dressed to go to work. It was the day after my birthday. I was called by my boss not to come in that day as he was not going to open the store. We were actually going to go out for dinner on the 11th but we stayed home. We were going to celebrate my birthday that day.
This was an awful day. I was at work doing my med pass. I was outside a patients room and they had their tv on. It was scary with the first crash but when the second one hit I knew this was more than an accident. Thank you for sharing