Foster Parent, Mom Life

889 Days…

889 Days

It is hard to believe it was only 3 years ago when my husband and I went to court.  We stood before a judge that would decide your fate.  It was on this day 3 years ago we found out we would be able to keep you forever.  You were cleared for adoption.  It would take a few months to get the paperwork in order for adoption but after 889 days in Foster Care we would become your parents and you would become our Little Girl!  We would get our Gotcha Day!

The journey was filled with uncertainties, heartache, love, patience, and hope.   Some called us crazy for believing in the system.  Some called us crazy for loving a child that was not biologically ours knowing there could be heartache at the end.  Some called us a saint for doing what we did.  Some called us idiots for doing what we did.

None of that matters now.  You are a thriving kid who loves to play in the backyard and swim in the pool.  A kid who loves gymnastics and piano.  A kid who is coming into her own.

Thinking back to that day my husband and I stopped for his coffee and my soda on the way to the courthouse.  At the window of the unnamed fast food place, I was given this cup.  Little did we know that God was setting us up for the perfect victory photo!  We came out of court like 2 goofy kids who had just been given the world!  With tears in our eyes and smiles on our faces, we took this picture in the van.

We won….because we got you!


  1. Very cool! Foster families should get a special place in heaven. You’re all angels here on Earth!

  2. Christina S

    Absolutely beautiful. I wish you and your family nothing but the best,so glad everything worked out for your wonderful family! Fostering is so selfless and beautiful and is something i’ve always wanted to do myself, and hope to do in the I am not in the position to do so right now as low income single mom, but I think about it so so much. I only have one child so hopefully one day I can help one of these amazing children get out of the foster system and love them as much as I love my daughter. God bless your family

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