Mom Life

A Lemon-ade-venture: Turning Trials into Triumphs…

A Lemon-ade-venture: Turning Trials into Triumphs Life often throws us curveballs, unexpected challenges that can leave us feeling sour and defeated. But what if instead of wallowing in the negativity, we could turn those lemons into something sweet and satisfying? Let’s embark on a journey of resilience, creativity, and a whole lot of unexpected twists. From Lemons to Lemonade (and …

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Mom Life, View from the chair

Raising an introvert….

Extrovert Raising an Introvert: A Balancing Act Understanding the Differences Being an extrovert raising an introvert can sometimes feel like navigating two different planets. Extroverts thrive on social interaction and stimulation, while introverts recharge by spending time alone. This clash of personalities can present unique challenges. Embracing Individuality The first step is to embrace your child’s introverted nature. It’s a …

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Mom Life, View from the chair

The day the world stoped…

We have seen the pictures.  We have seen the aftermath.  We remember where we were the day the world stopped.  Here is how it played out. #neverforget September 11, 2001 5:45 AM – Mohamed Atta and Abdul Aziz al-Omari, two of the intended hijackers, pass through security at the Portland International Jetport in Maine. They board a commuter flight to Boston …

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Mom Life

She turns 11…

How did this happen?  Yesterday you were 5 with your big LL Bean backpack heading into school. Having all you can do to get the door open.  Now you are almost a teen with your own mind, your own opinions and your own choice in music.  You are stronger than you realize.  You are braver than you know.  You are …

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