Show us your old posts and more on Traffic Jam Weekend!
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The bloggers bringing this fabulous party to you:
Kimberly: Being A Wordsmith | Facebook | Twitter | Pinterest | Instagram
Tracy: View From The Beach Chair | Twitter | Facebook | Pinterest I Instagram
Laurie: Seeking Serenity & Harmony | Pinterest | Instagram | Twitter | Facebook | Fb (Homestead) | YouTube
Michelle: My Bijou Life | Instagram | Pinterest
Hazlo: ThExtraOrdinarionly | Tumblr | Twitter | Instagram | Flipboard | Facebook | Pinterest | Keen | Mix | YouTube
Our guest co-host:
Sonni at ReaderopolisFollow Readeropolis:
Twitter | Facebook | Instagram | Pinterest | Tumblr | YouTube
If you would like to become a weekly co-host, complete this quick form.
Laurie chose 7 Pros and Cons of Collaborating With Other Bloggers – What You Need to Know (2020) from our very own ThExtraOrdinarionly. “I can so relate to these things like losing track of time and found this good food for thought as I figure out a better plan to focus on growing my blog this year.”
Michelle chose Caution…Falling Iguanas from our very own View From the Beach Chair. “I had no idea that iguanas would fall out of trees when they got too cold, or that they would be just fine once they warmed up. Fascinating!”
Kimberly chose ART/CRAFT ROOM UPDATE: ORGANIZING PAPER, RUBBER STAMPS, AND MORE from An Artful Mom. “My scrapbooking materials are scattered all over a large table in my basement. This post gives some very helpful information for keeping them all neat, tidy, and organized.”
Tracy chose Flourless Chocolate Torte from Create With Joy. “You had me at chocolate!! I am not sure if it is the recipe or the presentation that caught my eye. I can’t wait to try this!”
The post with the most views was The Four Pillars of Health from You Are Unique.
Thank you featured bloggers for sharing! Your posts will be pinned (slowly but surely) to the Traffic Jam Weekend Linky Party Pinterest board. Please grab the HTML code for a special Traffic Jam Weekend featured button below to display on your blog.

Just a few rules for the party…
- Grab the html code for a Traffic Jam Weekend button below for your site
- Link up as many of your old posts as you like below
- Take some time and visit the other posts
- Create some traffic jam for the hosts of this party
- Share this party on social media with the hashtag #trafficjamweekend
Instructions: Select all code above in box, copy it, and paste it to your site as HTML